Market in Review 4/26/2024

MARKET REPORT Review: – PCE +0.8% vs Exp +0.6% – CORE +0.3% Exp +0.3% – Michigan Sentiment 77.2 Exp 77.9 Prev 79.4 – Yen skyrockets – Tech stocks lead equities (again) – Next week: – WED Fed IR rate decision – FRI Payrolls DOLLAR DX up: 105.86                  +0.4% (105.33 – 106.05) Off Highs – […]

Market in Review 3/18/2024

MARKET REPORT Review: – BoJ to end NIRP – NASDAQ leads stocks higher – Strong China activity data – Crude Highest since Oct – Eurozone Trade Surplus 11B vs -32B Jan 23 – Steel rebounds from Mar 15th 4yr Low – US Home builder sentiment rises more than expected – Supreme court to hear arguments […]

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