We cannot accept residents from the USA, Iran, North Korea, or any other OFAC-listed country. All other users are welcome to trade with us.
All models have a 50% profit share arrangement. On the top level of your program you get 90% of the profit. Or you can opt for the 90% Lock Rule which allows you to receive 90% of the profit you make trading on that level you lock at.
All drawdowns vary depending on the account selected. But all drawdowns are STATIC – this means that you have the full drawdown available at ALL times.
All Prop accounts may operate on a server that is live, demo or another type.
Intern accounts are on a Demo server. Level 1 or higher accounts are on a live server.
Once the team have verified that target has been met, you will be issued with more capital. Operations generally do this within 24hours.
FX Majors, FX Minors, FX Crosses, FX Exotics, Metals, Energy, Crypto, Indices, FX Index, Commodities.
Yes, please register your interest here: affiliate and receive up to 15% of every sale that is made.
Well, we say why not! Whether you’re looking for a hobby, a new career or a little (or a lot of) extra cash on the side, trading allows you to slot your trading hours in whenever, and wherever, you want. The mental and analytical skills you learn from trading will carry with you into your understanding of how to best manage your funds and how to not only invest your money, but also your time.
No. But you do need to consider the impact your size will have on the market. Even in the very liquid market of FX that trades in trillions a day, large orders can move the market several pips and that can be costly when trying to enter or exit the market. When you are on the higher levels this will be very relevant to you and you should consider splitting the trade into smaller pieces so the market can soak up your size without being pushed too far in price.
Please note that the broker may have single trade size limits, generally this is 100 Standard lots.
Risk Management and correct lot sizing is a cornerstone to success and longevity in trading financial markets. We suggest you risk no more than 1% of your total equity balance on any single trade. We also strongly suggest you always trade with a stop loss. Further, if you trade with large risk and no stop loss and you lose the account by hitting max draw down, management will not look favourably on allowing you back into the program.
The targets vary from model to model, please check our Prop Trading page to compare. Targets to scale to the next level range from 6% up to 10%.
For our top levels, or if an account is locked using our 90% Lock Rule, then there is no target and you can get 90% profit share.
If the account does hit the drawdown limit it will be closed.
You will need to pass AML/CTF laws and provide Identification. 99% of people will be able to do this. You will need to sign a Service Agreement and provide proof of identification and ownership of the bank account that you nominate your profits to be paid into. This must be completed before you receive your first payout.
Yes. We accept EA’s, algorithms, scalpers, anyone and everyone – without restriction. If you can make a profit from trading, we want you trading with us.
You can trade up to three accounts simultaneously.
Yes, the minimum age to participate is 18 years of age and older.
You can pay us with PayPal, Credit-card and Crypto.
Proof of Profits
At The Concept Trading, we focus on rewarding our traders the best way possible. Not only do we offer 7-day payouts, but also the most versatile payment options that best fit traders around the world.