Market in Review 4/5/2024

Funded accounts

MARKET REPORT Review: – US NFP Highest in 10 months (It’s ALL P/T, F/T actually decreased & 50% + Gov/Health) – Exp 200k Act 303k – Feb revised down from 275k to 270k – Jan revised up net Jan/Feb +22k – The rate was Exp Unch at 3.9% came in at 3.8% – the bulk […]

Market in Review 3/20/2024

MARKET REPORT Review: – FED LEAVES RATES ON HOLD INDICATES 3 RATE CUTS FOR 2024 – Fed leaves Rates at 5.25-5.5%, 23yr High for a 5th consecutive meeting – Policy makers ‘do not expect to alter target range until greater confidence inflation moving lower’ – GDP see higher in 2024, 2.1% vs 1.4% (Dec project), […]

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