Market in review 12/5/2024

MARKET REPORT America is now unburdened by what has been Bella Epoque ($33.5m) “Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.” You were found in clear conditions. But you’re handsome in the fog. “Voters seem to forget when politicians ‘give’ you money, it is the voters’ money they have already taken.” Day in Review: Today: DATA: – […]

Market in Review 9/27/2024

MARKET REPORT (Unburdened by what has been) Glasgow Bourse 1876 You were found in clear conditions. But you’re handsome in the Fog. Day in Review: Today: (Kamalanomics:  Govt-manipulated data with un-reported historic downward revisions to make the economy look more favorable): DATA: – The Fed’s favorite inflation indicator – Core PCE – rose less than […]

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